After staying up all night the night before our departure to Melbourne, we left the Village at about 4:30 a.m., caught a train at 5ish, and our plane left at 7. We arrived at this little tiny airport in the middle of nowhere (there are two airports in Melbourne, one near the city, and Avalon...way far away). We took a bus to the city and that took about an hour. Check-in time at our hotel wasn't until 2 p.m., but luckily when we went there at 10:30 they happened to have one room ready for us.
After dropping off our bags, we went out to explore the city. We went to the art museum, walked along the river and took our first pictures. Because Abby and I stayed up all night, we were ready to go back to the room by like 2. Sara decided to walk around the city more. Abby and I watched some episodes of Boy Meets World on my computer but eventually couldn't keep our eyes open. Soo, we took a nap for about an hour until Sara got back at 4ish. We ended up going to sleep at 8 that night...and woke up at 8 the next day.
And that brings us to our bike tour. We had booked a 4-hour bike tour of Melbourne from 10-2 on Friday. We got there early and sat around, and then all of a sudden this tall, Australian man comes over to us. We thought he was on the tour with us, but it turns out he was our tour guide, and we were the only three on the tour. The beautiful tour guide was named Ross, and we were smitten with him. You know how they say, "It's like riding a bike, you never forget"? Well you don't forget, but if you're me, you really suck at it after being out of practice for a few years. It also hurts the next day.
Me being out of my element.
So back to the important thing: Ross. We were really curious how old he was...we guessed around 26 or 27. At the lunch part of the tour at Queen Victoria Market, Ross was buying us food, and I was literally saying, "He's soooo beautiful" and then Abby and Sara informed me that he was right behind me. So, he may or may not have heard me. Oh wellz. While we were all eating lunch, he asked how old we were, so we pounced and Abby asked how old he was. "I'm 30." And then 20 seconds of painful awkward silence. Wow. If you know who Ryan Kwanten is, (he's an Australian actor on True Blood and some other things) Ross reminds me of him. After our terribly awkward lingering goodbye from Ross, we walked back to our hotel and got ready.
Friday night was our scheduled go-out-and-get-drunk-in-a-bar night. We ended up leaving for dinner at like 5...we're old ladies, it's fine. We were going to go to a place with tapas, but we got there and they all had weird things in them. Like anchovies and sheep's milk cheese. So we just found a place and got sandwiches, and I started off my drinking with white wine at dinner. After dinner we had to find a bar. There were a bunch of the trendy, young bars that were super packed with the $15 drinks and such...not my scene. We found an Irish pub full of 60-year-old men...apparently more our scene. We found a table and ordered drinks. We got there at about 7. At 9, a band started playing. After their first song, no one was clapping and they said something about it, so of course we couldn't resist. After that, we clapped louder than anyone after every song. At one point they said they were going to give us free drink coupons because we were such a wonderful table. I didn't think they were actually going to, but...

They also asked if anyone had any requests, but they specifically asked us first. We told them we had to think about it, and we almost requested Don't Stop Believin', but then I realized there was only one song we could request...DOWN UNDER. I heard it on my first night out in Australia and I figured we should end on the same note. I'm really eloquent though, so here's how I worded our request: "Down that what it's called?" I didn't want to be wrong... Anyway, they performed it and it was glorious. And before we left, we got a picture with them.
Saturday we had free. We went to the home of the Australian Open and walked around, and then we went to the Queen Victoria Market (it reminded me of Pike Place, for all you Seattle-ites) and met a girl named Michelle from our program who was going to uni in Melbourne. After lunch, we shopped for a looong time. I finally found some new sunglasses since I cracked mine a while back. We got dinner near our hotel and then went back for the night.
Sunday was the GREAT OCEAN ROAD day tour! We were hoping we'd have another hot tour guide, so when we were picked up from the hotel and met Brad, we all decided 'we could work with that.' He was no Ross, though. We later found out he smoked and then it was over. He was 29. Enough about that. Our first stop on the Great Ocean Road was Bells Beach. We stopped again in a little town for coffee and biscuits (aka cookies). We went to the Great Ocean Road arch and then THE BEST PART.
Yeah, basically I'm a crazy bird lady (penguins are my favorite animal, and pelicans are up there too) and this made me so happy. We also saw a wild koala, but that's old news, since Sara and I saw a wild koala that actually wasn't up in a tree sleeping, and it was in an area where it's really rare to see them. Next we went on a rainforest walk, and after that to the Twelve Apostles, which looks like this:
Annnnd then we went to the Gorge (that I don't remember the name of). I do know it was named after a ship that wrecked there. One deckhand survived and he heard a woman screaming so he went back out into the sea and saved her and they went back to the Gorge. Then he had to climb up and get help. That's the short version.

On Monday, our last full day, we went to Old Melbourne Gaol, which is a prison from way back when. It's where Ned Kelly, who is infamous in Australia, was hanged. It was really interesting, and kind of creepy. Then we went on to the Melbourne Museum, which, as we learned from Beautiful Ross, had a really popular attraction...a stuffed racehorse. Phar Lap (which means lightning) was an Australian racehorse. After winning like...7854302 races, he was sent to the States to compete in a race, which he won after being behind most of the race. He mysteriously died shortly after, and it is thought that the American mafia had something to do with it. So some famous New York taxidermists stuffed Phar Lap as a gift to Australia. Their names were the Jonas Brothers. No joke. When Ross told us we thought he was joking...I definitely laughed. There was other stuff in the museum too, obviously...but that was the most interesting story I had.
On our last (short) day, we got breakfast and took the free tram that circles the city to do some last sightseeing. I was happy to get back 'home' to my own bed and all that. I have my only final during finals period tomorrow... Geology. 45% of my grade. I hate everything. BUT 10 days until AMMURICA.